Biodiversity & Environmental Protection
We manage a diverse estate, from central London to the Garden of England (Kent). We are committed to maintaining a healthy and diverse natural environment. Under the requirement of the Channel Tunnel Rail Act 1996 we have an obligation to protect and enhance the lineside habitat.
Our targets
- 20% BNG compared with the 2021 baseline by 2030/31.
To support this, we will assess the quality of the 136 areas of habitat, known as ‘tiles’, that we have for HS1. Each will be rated ‘good’ ‘moderate’ or ‘poor’ and the approach will be:
- Good to be maintained as good
- Moderate to be moved to good
- Poor to be moved to moderate.
Monitoring will be carried out based on the habitat type and will range between one to five years.
How we’ll achieve them
We will work with Network Rail High Speed (NRHS) and Kent Wildlife Trust to survey our natural assets and develop a baseline on which to deliver a net-gain by 2030.
*2020 baseline is comprised of actual surveys and desk top surveys.